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According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, every building that offers access to the public musthave appropriate signage posted to mark specific locations, such as restrooms and exits., we create ADA-compliant plastic signs with braille that meet current United Statesregulatory standards. Shop this section for pre-designed and custom ADA restroom signs, exit signsroom name signage, and stairwell signs.
Creating an ADA-compliant building ensures all customers have a safe and pleasant experience whilealso protecting your business from liability. When a building is missing necessary accessibility andbraille signs, there is a higher potential for fines to be levied; however, the government works withbusinesses to become compliant, even offering tax incentives to help meet the cost of compliance. Formore information about where to hang ADA signs, we have a helpful blog that provides heightrequirements and which rooms these signs should be posted for.